SHELLcast: "Telnet, it really whips the llama's ass..."

Welcome to the homepage of SHELLcast. SHELLcast is a Perl program that allows you to "multicast" a shell or console-based program to several clients. A few really cool things are in store for SHELLcast in the near future. Stay tuned.

Added into this version are two new utilities. (SHELLcast Recorder) records high-resolution timestamped SHELLcasts for later use by (SHELLcast Playback). Now you can archive your SHELLcasts and watch them exactly how they were intended whenever you'd like. Resurrect dead BBSes! Watch how slowly you were typing while drunk! Laugh and cry over your spelling mistakes while typing under the influence of illegal substances! The possibilities are endless... "Is it live, or is it SHELLcast?"

Download the current version (v0.2) or go to the SourceForge project page.

If you have a suggestion feel free to e-mail me. Logo